About us

With nearly 150 years of history and experience, we keep Nuremberg and the surrounding region moving. Fulfilling this important responsibility requires a smart strategy, expertise, a well-coordinated team, and strong company leadership - from our staff up to the Executive Board.

Only with these elements can we ensure the smooth coordination of nearly 400 buses, trams, and subway trains, along with our approximately 2,300 employees.

Take a look behind the scenes of VAG Nürnberg.


Executive board

Der Vorstand der VAG Nürnberg setzt sich aus Vorsitzenden und Mitgliedern zusammen.

VAG Portrait

Die VAG Nürnberg steht für Sicherheit, Zuverlässigkeit, Innovation und Kundennähe im öffentlichen Personennahverkehr in Nürnberg.

Further information

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